
Baylindo is dedicated to anyone interested in the San Francisco Bay Area.  The nine-county Bay Area is like its own state within California.  Whether you live here, plan to move here, or would like to visit someday, we’ve got you covered.  There’s useful information for consumers, foodies, teachers, and students as well.  This is not one of those computer-generated sites that litter the Internet.  The name of our site simply reflects California’s Spanish/Mexican heritage.  The word lindo means pretty or lovely in Spanish (neat and tidy in Italian).

After writing about the Bay Area for 10 years—we first published a Web page on a local radio station in October 2002—we decided it was time to put all the related pages under our own address.  If the world ended in 2012, we figured we’d go out with our own domain name.  So our URL may be different, but it’s the same great content our loyal fans have come to know and love.  If Web content is king, we must be royalty by now.

If you continue to visit our old address at, you’ll see a change of address notice.  We recommend that you point your browser to from now on.  For your information, we will introduce a new Facebook page to go with our new site soon.

Just because we’ve finally launched our own site, it doesn’t mean we’ve changed our editorial standards.  We have no desire to be the next Yahoo (no thanks) or Rupert Murdoch (hell no); we just want to continue to muse on subjects we care about.  Indeed, our company remains an independent publisher.  It is not affiliated with any entertainment or media company.

Despite the fact that Google’s search engine had trouble with our pages between 2003 and 2007—sometimes failing to index them altogether—people managed to find them somehow.  According to an unrepentant Google, our flagship page, Bay Area Radio Guide (nee, had garnered over 36,700 pageviews by December 2012.  And if you know this company as well as we do, this figure is likely an underestimate.

Here are some other brands/companies established in 2002:


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